Monday, July 28, 2008

Metal Cow - Mooo

My roomate played his first official show with his new band 'Hung'. Here's a review from what is supposedly a major critical force in the metal community.

Monday, July 28th, 2008 at 1:21pm by Vince Neilstein
To say that Hung is back and better than ever would be an understatement. After nearly 10 months without a drummer, the New York progressive metal outfit absolutely killed it at the Ace of Clubs in downtown Manhattan Friday night. New drummer David Mieloch fit right in with the band, offering a level of precision and stage-presence never before seen on the Hung drum throne, and the result was a completely riveting set that had the usually tame Manhattan audience in an absolute frenzy. Levels of rockingness and audience excitement this high are rarely seen in New York, let alone at a show of a “local” band. Record labels ought to start paying attention; this band is the fucking real deal.

Hung barreled through their set of precise European-styled melodic progressive death metal (got all that?) playing mostly songs from their 2007 release Progeny (read my review), and to the delight of the fans a brand new song which highlighted guitarist Evil Jon, violinist Lyris Hung and bassist Sam Roon’s shredtastic playing and is without a doubt the most serious facemelter the band has written to date.

Shit was so intense that an overzealous mosher had to be dragged out of the pit after nearly starting a fight. Even MetalGF, who could call this event her first-ever metal show (congrats!) was impressed on some level by the virtuosity of the band’s players. She didn’t hate the show, which I guess is all I can ask for — even vocalist Dmitry Kostitsyn’s bone-crushing death growls, a vocal style long known to turn off many a would-be hesher. “I could tell he’s talented underneath it,” she said to me. Touche, and talented with it as well.

Now that the band has solidified its lineup, it’s time to write some more new tunes and get that shit back out on the road.


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