Monday, September 1, 2008

Ramblin' Man

Here are some things that have been on my mind this week, in no particular order.

Squirrel Nut Zippers - After quite a long hiatus from my playlists (and as a band themselves), the Zippers are back!!!! I learned this weekend that they have reuinted and are planning to release a live album later this year (They've been touring recently around their home base of N.Carolina) and a new studio album in 2009! When I read this, I emmited a loud squeek of delight.

Mice - My apartment is infested. Blergh. So far Jeff and I have killed or captured 8 of the little bastards. Hopefully my landlord will bring in an exterminator to wipe them all out. I fully support rodent genocide.

Freaks and Geeks - If you aren't aware, this TV show aired in 1999/2000 for one season and starred the likes of Linda Cardellini (ER), James Franco (Spiderman/Pineapple Express), Seth Rogan (Knocked Up, Pineapple Express), Jason Segal (Knocked Up, Forgetting Sarah Marshall), Martin Starr (Knocked Up), Sam Levince (Undeclaired), John Francis Daley (Waiting, Bones), and Busy Philips (ER). Notice a trend? Freaks and Geeks is produced by Judd Apatow, who is the man behind a slew of recent comedy blockbusters, the most recent being 'Pineapple Express'. Needless to say, most of these actors got their start on this show and are now climbing the ladder out of the realm of obscurity and a few of them have already made a big splash (Franco, Rogan, Segal).

Anyway, thats enough exposition. The show finally reached the top of my Blockbuster online queue, and I couldn't be happier. Its a great show. Superbly written, acted and directed. Unfortunately, it never found it's audience. While the stories and characters are excellent, the pacing is a bit slow compared to other TV shows of it's time. Nowadays, viewers are a lot more fogiving of long lasting story-arcs and in depth character development. In fact, they are expected. I highly reccomend renting, downloading, or just outright buying the DVDs. There are 18 episodes over 6 discs. I would definately put this show in the top 10 best TV shows of the last 10 years.

James Franco - I've always thought he was underrated as an actor, and after watching 'Pineapple Express' and 'Freaks and Geeks', my theory has definately been confirmed. Hopefully now that hes hit it big, he'll do more dramatic and complex roles. I suppose every young actor needs to have an 'Annapolis' to pay the bills. I still havn't seen his portrayal of James Dean, tho I hear it is excellent.

The Sopranos - I think it's about time to watch the series from the top all the way through to the end. Jeff is with me, anyone else?

The Godfather Trilogy - I finally saw the first two parts (will see the third tomorrow). I don't know how I've gone so long without it, its incredible!

Politics - Last election I was optimistic of a Democratic win, but as the election drew closer I became less sure until ultimately I accepted defeat (friggin Ohio). This time around tho, I have much more hope. How can Obama not win?!? I'm thrilled with his choice of Biden for VP. Apparently he causes trouble with some of the things he says. But from what I've read, he seems to be a straight shooter. You might not like what he says or how he says it, but he's honest (as much as any politician) and straight forward. After 8 years of double talk and secrets, I think we can handle an abbrasive speaker. Everything Obama says and stands for is truly inspiring. I've never really felt inspired by a politician before. I think McCain screwed himself with his VP choice. Not even a full week after being selected, there are already multiple scandals in the press. Including an absurd one about her faking a pregnancy to cover for her teenage daughters sexual exploration, that could really turn out to be true. Every major press junket is investigating it. On top of all this, its a woman! With a good chance that McCain could die during office because of his age and failing health, will republicans and undecided voters really take the chance of electing a woman President? I think not.

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