Wednesday, August 13, 2008

More Radiohead

Here's a set list from the Radiohead concert and a way awesome picture from during 'The Gloaming', courtesey of Jamie's friend Dan.

01. 15 Step (from "In Rainbows")
02. There There (from "Hail to the Thief")
03. Morning Bell (from "Kid A")
04. All I Need (from "In Rainbows")
05. The National Anthem (from "Kid A")
06. Videotape (from "In Rainbows")
07. Weird Fishes/Arpeggi (from "In Rainbows")
08. The Gloaming (from "Hail to the Thief")
09. Where I End And You Begin (from "Hail to the Thief")
10. Faust Arp (from "In Rainbows”)
11. No Surprises (from "Ok Computer")
12. Jigsaw Falling Into Place (from "In Rainbows")
13. The Bends (from "The Bends")
14. Idioteque (from "Kid A")
15. Climbing Up The Walls (from "Ok Computer")
16. Nude (from "In Rainbows")
17. Bodysnatchers (from "In Rainbows")

Encore 1
18. House of Cards (from "In Rainbows")
19. Lucky (from "OK Computer")
20. Go Slowly (from "In Rainbows" bonus CD)
21. Just (from "The Bends")
22. Street Spirit (from "The Bends")

Encore 2
23. Reckoner (from "In Rainbows")
24. Planet Telex (from "The Bends")
25. Everything In Its Right Place (from "Kid A")

1 comment:

Lyndsay said...

did dan take this picture? if so, he rocks. Did he send you other pictures that you would like to send to me? yay jersey concerts